Do you run your day? Instead of letting it run you, do you act instead of reacting? So many people trudge through their days without having any clue as to the purpose of doing it, other than to make a bit of coin and continue living, so that they can do the same thing the next day. Now regardless of whether you like your job or not, if you don’t know what your true purpose in life then you will never reach your own idea of true success.
If you have a pre-determined purpose for working hard at something, your motivation will always be there to get things done.
I believe in planning for success and knowing that you are planning your days for maximum effectiveness to reach an end goal, so I want to run through exactly what it means to plan for success, whether your goal is to run a highly successful business, or build a great relationship with your family there are things you need to do every day. Let’s take a look at what some of the most successful people do to run their days to maximum effectiveness..
If you have a pre-determined purpose for working hard at something, your motivation will always be there to get things done. Success isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon.. if you aren’t packing the right kind of mental attitude, generated from having a purpose, you are going to fall at the first hurdle.

Have a pre-determined purpose!
If the purpose of your change is to look good for the girls on the beach, or to look like all the models on the covers of men’s health or women’s magazine, you’ve got no fight and you’re going to drown.
Plan your day hour by hour
Sounds like hard work doesn’t it? Well guess what? Reality check it, it is hard! It’s incredibly hard to plan your day and stick to it rigidly when so much can happen in 24 hours. So many things change during the day and you are forced to adapt to those situations, but it’s how you react to what happens that truly counts.
- But if you are sitting down the night before and
- Planning what you are going to do hour by hour
- You give your day structure
- You know what you have to do and you get it done.
Sit down and write out all of the things that you need to do, the daily activities and the odd things that crop up too, work related and personal, then pencil them into your diary when you are going to complete those tasks. If you don’t get everything done that’s absolutely fine, I don’t always get everything completed when I say I’m going to complete it but I make a note of what needs to be followed up on, then I can simply slot it into the next day and get it finished then.
Plan your day or I promise you now, your day will run you and you’ll have nothing to show for it.
You know it is strangely liberating writing down everything that you did during the day and everything that happened, maybe it’s just me but it makes me feel like I am unloading all of the stress of the day and reflecting on all of the good things that happened too.
Keep a journal
By writing down the events of the day, you can track your efforts and determine where you could have spent more time being productive, determine what works and what doesn’t and tweak things so that you become more effective in your daily efforts.